About Us


I have been involved in the health and fitness industry for 19 years firstly in the area of Holistic therapies moving into fitness instruction and personal training.

I have always been an active individual taking part in sport on a daily basis ranging from team sports such as local club Hockey, local league football, sailing and individual activities such as golf, squash and martial arts (Shotokan karate and judo).

I hung my boots up when I was 38 but have always continued to keep fit actively training in gyms for the last 30 years.

With this experience of fitness I was drawn to become involved in the health and fitness industry when I decided to finish my long career in the IT industry.

Over the years since starting I have looked to give myself a solid base in industry experience before becoming a private Personal Trainer. Working as a Fitness instructor initially in a private gym developing my skills and knowledge I progressed to running multiple fitness classes and having moved to work in a local public gym became the resident personal trainer.

It was important to me that when I trained people I not only had the quality qualifications but had the experience to work with people of all fitness levels and requirements.

It is my belief that fitness and health is attainable for anybody and everybody has the right to aspire to better themselves.

I now have my own studio which is perfectly equipped for Personal training and allows people to develop their fitness either at home or in a gym environment.  I continue to keep up to date with the latest fitness trends and look forward to each new day I get to train a client and help them achieve their goals.

Affiliated Body – R.E.P.S.

Qualifications fitness

Certificate in Personal Training (Lifetime)

Level III Certificate in Advanced Fitness Instructing

Level 3 NVQ in Instructing Physical Activity and Exercise(Gym)

Level II  Certificate in Teaching Exercise and Fitness

Level II RKPS Kettlebell  Instructor

Level  I  RKPS Kettlebell  Instructor

Kettlercise Instructor

Pump FX instructor

ASA/UKCC  Level  1 Certificate for Teaching Aquatics

ASA Level II in Aquafit

Active IQ Level III Certificate in Pool Plant Operations

Certificate in Group Studio Cycling (Lifetime)

Certificate in Circuit Solutions (Lifetime)

Qualifications Complementary Therapies

IIHHT Diploma in Reflexology      1998

IHBC Body Massage                        1997

FSMT Level II Sports Massage    1999

IFA Aromatherapy                           2001

Baby Massage Instructor              2001